The story of Minions begins at the dawn of time starting as single-celled yellow organisms, Minions evolve through the ages, perpetually serving the most despicable masters of the time. After accidentally killing off so many of their masters–from T-Rex to Napoleon–the Minions find themselves exiled in Antarctica. Without a master to serve, they fall into a deep depression. But one Minion has a plan. Kevin intends to venture out into the world and find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow. Joining him on his quest are Stuart and Bob.
Hero Minion, Kevin
Stuart, Break Out Series
Minion, Peace Brother
Legacy Asstortments 3013350
Unicorn Pillow Plush
Hero Minion, Bob
KEvin, Break Out Series
Franchise Asst. 3011400
Legacy Asstortments 3011350
Despicable Me Blind Bag
Hero Minion, Stuart
Minion, Pirate
Franchise Asst. 3013400
Christmas Minions Asst.